2023 Highlights

It’s been fun looking back on 2023. I know this is traditionally done around January 1st but I don’t acknowledge that as the beginning of my year! Lunar New Year to me just makes more sense for a “beginning” to the year since it feels closer to the shift from winter to spring.

Here’s a snapshot of what 2023 included:

  • 164 bouquets sold

  • Provided flowers for two events including a wedding

  • 1,147 chicken eggs laid and 297 duck eggs laid

  • 1 new puppy and 2 new cats joined the farm crew

  • 1 chicken coop built

  • 1 duck house built

  • 1 kiva loan secured

  • 1 carport built to house rabbits

  • Approximately 30 square yards of soil trucked in

  • 10 raised beds built

  • Many wonderful friends and customers who helped support the farm!

Looking forward to what the 2024 season brings!


In preparation for spring